Introduction to CGE
Introduction to Computational General Equilibrium (CGE) Models¶
In this notebook we'll cover some basic ideas that will introduce you to CGE modelling, i.e., of solving Walrasian GE models in a computer. To make things simple we will focus on the easiest CGE model possible: a pure endowment economy with $M$ individuals and $N$ commodities. When $M=2$ and $N=2$, this is an economy that can be represented in an Edgeworth box.
more ...GIS with Python 2
GIS with
Part II: Working with Rasters¶
Set-up our environment as before¶
Let's import the packages we will use and set the paths for outputs.
GIS with Python 3
GIS with
Part III: Data Munging...Combining GIS with Other Tools¶
Set-up our environment as before¶
Let's import the packages we will use and set the paths for outputs.
Stata Notebook Example
Working with
You can work with a Jupyter
notebook using Stata
just as you would using Python. Text and math can be written in Markdown as we have done in the other notebooks. So, use your usual Stata
code in code cells
, produce figures etc., as if you were in the Stata
more ...
Stata in Python Notebook
in a
You can work with Stata
in a Python
notebook by using the package ipystata
. Just like r2py
, which allows us to use R
in Python
, we can now use both (or if you want all three!) programming languages in one notebook.
Let's start by importing all the packages we want to use.
more ...Dynamic Programming in Python
Introduction to Dynamic Programming¶
We have studied the theory of dynamic programming in discrete time under certainty. Let's review what we know so far, so that we can start thinking about how to take to the computer.
The Problem¶
We want to find a sequence $\{x_t\}_{t=0}^\infty$ and a function $V^*:X\to\mathbb{R}$ such that
$$V^{\ast}\left(x_{0}\right)=\sup\limits _{\left\{ x_{t}\right\} _{t=0}^{\infty}}\sum\limits _{t=0}^{\infty}\beta^{t}U(x_{t},x_{t+1})$$ more ...Faster Dynamic Programming with Numba
Faster Computations with Numba¶
Some notes mostly for myself, but could be useful to you¶
Altough Python is fast compared to other high-level languages, it still is not as fast as C, C++ or Fortran. Luckily, two open source projects Numba and Cython can be used to speed-up computations. Numba is sponsored by the producer of Anaconda more ...
Economic Data Analysis in Python
Working with Economic data in Python¶
This notebook will introduce you to working with data in Python
. You will use packages like Numpy
to manipulate, work and do computations with arrays, matrices, and such, and anipulate data (see my Introduction to Python). But given the needs of economists (and other scientists) it will be advantageous for us to use pandas
more ...
GIS with Python
GIS with
Getting some data¶
There are many sources of GIS data. Here are some useful links:
- WorldMap
- FAO's GeoNetwork
- IPUMS USA Boundary files for Censuses
- IPUMS International Boundary files for Censuses
- GADM database of Global Administrative Areas
- Global Administrative Unit Layers
- Natural Earth: All kinds of geographical, cultural and socioeconomic variables
- Global Map
- Digital Chart of the World more ...
Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)¶
GIS refers to methods of storing, displaying and analyzing geogaphical information. These methods have become essential in economic analysis (as you have noticed from the reading list for our Ph.D. course on economic growth). For this reason, it is good that you acquaint yourself with these methods. They will prove very useful when doing research, especially to show the spatial distribution of your variables of interest, contructing new measures, or doing spatial analysis.
more ...Introduction to Python
Introduction to
Python is a powerful and easy to use programming language. It has a large community of developers and given its open source nature, you can find many solutions, scripts, and help all over the web. It is easy to learn and code, and faster than other high-level programming languages...and did I mention it is free more ...
Playing with ipympl
The Matplotlib Jupyter Widget Backend¶
Enabling interaction with matplotlib charts in the Jupyter notebook and JupyterLab